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DISABILITY - Karidaari Seed - house for disabled

Ewe Mama fostered the creation of an educative centre for psychic and physical disabled children in the Rushooka village, in the Franciscan parish. The centre, the Karidaari Seed - house for disabled operates in the territory thanks to the help of Ewe Mama which fundraises for its maintenance and to the support of the parish which offers a dormitory and a place where to organize the activities. At the very beginning of this experience we witnessed the astonishment of local people as we started to take care of these children, usually abandoned or left behind. Today we are still an exception in Uganda which is still completely lacking of adequate educative measures for disability, especially medium and serious cases. A disabled child is infact considered the consequence of a curse, a shame or a misfortune given by his improductivity. In the most extreme cases, these children don’t live within the society but they are hidden in their houses or abandoned by lonely and scared parents.

The request for help is huge and, for this, in our centre find place children coming from far away, even villages 100 km far. Ewe Mama hope is to soon move the “Karidari Seed” on a different ground in order to welcome a higher number of children and guarantee them a better service: it’s crucial to find an adequate space since the number of the requests is very high and the need is huge. The association deals with fundraising activities for this goal and for management costs for the centre.

Help us with your donation and you will contribute to bring our and your projects to life

Support Ewe Mama by donating your 5x1000!

It costs you nothing, it is important to us!

Become part of our project with a volunteer experience! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Come, see and live!

Adopt a child or village student,  

great joy can come from your little help!

Arrange a testamentary bequest in favor of EWE MAMA alongside the Franciscan missions in Africa.

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