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The association has supported many projects through the years: it contributed to the construction of a primary school in the Lira district (nort Uganda area) and of a church in Kabingo village; it supported the studies of many young students either living in the North and the South Uganda; it sent clothes and school equipment and constantly supported local churches, especially the Franciscan community of Rushooka. Above all, it fostered the creation of a center for disabled children in 2014 in Rushooka and is currently

involved in its expansion; it subsidized the construction of spaces devoted to youth groups in Rwentobo

and it is now working at the construction of a space for orphan children. Ewe Mama also made possible to

organize training activities with local and foreign experts.


Help us with your donation and you will contribute to bring our and your projects to life

Support Ewe Mama by donating your 5x1000!

It costs you nothing, it is important to us!

Become part of our project with a volunteer experience! _Cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Come, see and live!

Adopt a child or village student,  

great joy can come from your little help!

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